DNA- und RNA-Extraktion

Provitro bietet Dienstleistungen für die Isolierung von Gesamt-DNA oder RNA aus Zellen und unterschiedlichen Gewebetypen an. Aufgereinigte DNA oder RNA wird je nach Bedarf für weitere Untersuchungen aliquotiert und eindeutig beschriftet bei -80°C gelagert. Alle Prozesse werden nach Standardarbeitsanweisungen (SOP) durchgeführt. Die Qualitätskontrolle und Produktfreigabe erfolgen nach fest definierten Kriterien.

Nucleic acid processing
906 0101RNA extraction from primary cells, cells not included
906 0102DNA extraction from primary cells, cells not included
906 0201RNA extraction from cell lines, cells not included
906 0202DNA extraction from cell lines, cells not included
906 0311Provisional gene targeting by RNAi in primary cells
906 0312Provisional gene targeting by RNAi in cell lines
906 1211Manufacturing and provision of 1 FFPE tissue slide, normal tissuePrice per slide, 5 µm section
906 1221Manufacturing and provision of 1 cryo tissue slide, normal tissuePrice per slide, 5 µm section
906 2211Manufacturing and provision of 1 FFPE tissue slide, pathological tissuePrice per slide, 5 µm section
906 2221Manufacturing and provision of 1 cryo tissue slide, pathological tissuePrice per slide, 5 µm section
906 0501RNA extraction from FFPE tissue
906 0502DNA extraction from FFPE tissue
906 0601Microdissection of relevant tissue areaPrice per slide
906 1501RNA extraction from FFPE tissue including quality controlElectrophoresis and Agilent
906 1502DNA extraction from FFPE tissue including quality controlPCR GAPDH, real time PCR
906 1511RNA extraction from cryo tissue including quality controlElectrophoresis and Agilent
906 1512DNA extraction from cryo tissue including quality controlPCR GAPDH, real time PCR
906 2501RNA quality controlElectrophoresis and Agilent
906 2502DNA quality controlPCR GAPDH, real time PCR